No matter how powerful your vehicle is, there’s one thing even more important than its engine: its brakes. This is especially true for large industrial vehicles where failing brakes can cause more than just a fender bender.
To keep your brakes in tip-top shape, you will occasionally need to reline them.
Brake relining might seem like a complicated process that requires professional assistance. But, you can become an expert in brake relining yourself!
Read on for everything you need to know.
What Is Brake Relining?
Brakes are a relatively simple mechanism. When you press the brake, the brakes apply pressure to the wheel, bringing it to a stop.
However, metal-on-metal doesn’t stop very quickly, so to increase braking power, nearly all braking mechanisms use some sort of non-metal liner to add more friction. Note: electromagnetic brakes typically will not use a brake liner.
This is a liner that is often made of rubber, Kevlar, or ceramic, but other non-metal materials may be used.
This liner is meant to be replaced regularly to maintain the proper operation of the brakes. Here’s how to do it.
The Step By Step Guide
First, take off the brake drum. Examine it for any excess damage. If it is damaged, you will need to replace more than just the liner.
Inspect the brake liner. Look for signs of uneven wear, as this can point to more significant issues with the brake drum. Also inspect bushings, rollers, and pins. If one side is more worn than the other, your brakes will need to be recalibrated in addition to being relined.
Remove the old liner and remove the old grease and adhesive from the brake drum. You can use a powerful debonding agent or high heat to do this.
Remove the bushings, rollers, pins, and springs along with the old liner.
Clean the brake drum surface where the lining will be bonded. Any debris will get in the way of your liner adhering well to the drum, so be thorough.
Prepare the new liner. Make sure it complies with all guidelines laid out by your brake manufacturer and is the proper size.
Apply the bonding agent to the new liner and set it in place.
As you replace the liner, pay attention to the fit. Look for signs of warping or stretching. Pay careful attention to how it fits the anchor pin and roller pins. If it is stretched or warped, you will need a different size. Inspect all hardware to ensure it will operate properly.
Make any necessary adjustments to assure proper fit, then road test the vehicle. Make several stops. After the brakes have cooled, inspect them to make sure the brakes are correctly adjusted.
Get Ready to Stop
After following this brake relining process, your brakes should be ready to go—or stop, instead.
If you need additional help finding the right parts or installing them, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to help you get your equipment back in commission.