How to Tell If a Clutch is Slipping

The industrial manufacturing industry currently employs 12.82 million American workers, and that number is only growing. Over the next ten years, it’s estimated that 4.6 million manufacturing jobs will be needed in addition to the pre-existing ones.

For this job growth to continue, however, it’s essential to keep industrial plants up and running to their maximum capacity. This means ensuring that the brakes and clutches on each piece of machinery are operating well. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can make sure that this is the case in your plant.

Learn how to tell if the clutch is slipping off of one of your machines and what to do if you discover that it is.

How To Tell If Clutch is Slipping

There are a couple of reasons that a clutch commonly begins to slip. Read on to learn the two most common ones and the signs that they’re happening. We’ll also talk about how to get to the root of these common issues that cause clutches to slip, so you can continue to run an efficient plant.

Worn Friction Plate

One of the most significant signs that a clutch might be slipping is high engine revving when the machine starts up. When the clutch is deployed and engaged on a piece of machinery, it’s meant to rev a little bit before slowing down. However, the engine of a machine with a slipping clutch will rev much higher than usual and won’t stop.

This is the sign that your clutch is slipping due to a worn friction plate. Usually, this issue is accompanied by a burning smell. If this burning smell is more intense when your engine is revving, that’s a surefire sign that your clutch is slipping for this reason.

If you have a worn friction plate, you’re almost certainly going to need to replace it. Call in a professional if you think they can help by taking a look at it, but chances are your friction plate has run its course.

Problems With Clutch Surface

Another sign that your clutch is slipping is that it makes a strange sound when functioning. These sounds include high-pitched whining or squealing, repetitive clanking and clicking, and hissing.

Beyond the noise that an industrial clutch usually makes, it should be pretty quiet and smooth-running. This could be a simple fix- your clutch service may have rust on it that you can scrape off or have a small sliver of wood, sawdust, or metal stuck in it that can be removed. More likely than not, though, it’s slipping, and you’ll have to pull it apart to discover the source of the issue.

Shop Industrial Brakes and Clutches

While a slipping clutch could be disastrous if you don’t catch it, there are fortunately easy ways to tell if this is happening and repair it quickly.

Now that you know how to tell if the clutch is slipping, it’s time to look into some of the best deals on industrial brakes and clutches. If you think you need a new clutch or a professional to take a look at your slipping one, contact us. Our professionals will answer your questions to ensure that your industrial plant is running at maximum efficiency.


Posted in Industrial Equipment.